Some of these videos helped teach us (the parents), while others helped comfort our son be reminding him so many others have been through this… and come out stronger for it!

When this young man describes the tornadoes in his head, Hudson felt he might have been referring to bad thoughts. This helped Hudson feel more “normal” for having these scary thoughts during his PANDAS flares.

This gentleman followed 9 families struggling with PANDAS for several years and created a documentary entitled My Kid is Not Crazy: the truths you’ll learn are maddening and enlightening.

The following 2 are from the video libary at They have several, so check them out here, but we like the first to explain PANDAS to friends/family and the bottom explains the Cunningham Panel test.

This little girl’s video helped calm our son on several occasions. She specifically mentions so much of the same things he was going through which was very reassuring to him.